A quest for positive imbalance!

Abolitionist Social Work

When I began my MSW program at the Graduate College of Social Work, Alan Dettlaff was dean, and our summer reading assignment was "Torn Apart: How the child welfare system destroys black families and how abolition can build a safer world" by Dorothy Roberts. This book, and many others, continue to shape my understanding of the family policing system, the prison industrial complex, and the effects of capitalism.

This page links to these books, podcasts, and other resources in the hopes that we all learn something and take some action towards liberation.

Torn Apart: How the child welfare system destroys black families and how abolition can build a safer world – Dorothy Roberts

We Do This 'Til We Free Us: Abolitionist Organizing and Transforming Justice – Mariame Kaba

Are Prisons Obsolete? – Angela Davis

The UpEND Movement

Geographies of Racial Capitalism with Ruth Wilson Gilmore

Abolition as Method

Affirming the Call for Social Work to Fully Support Defunding the Police – Alan Dettlaff

Reformist reforms vs. abolitionist steps to end IMPRISONMENTCritical Resistance

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Jamie Larson