Learn the lesson. Leave the event.
“You can write a narrative in your head, and spin yourself down a negative path, and beat yourself up and
Hope, Even Now
"The fact that we cannot save everything does not mean we cannot save anything and everything we can save is worth saving."
You see me, but not all of me
I wanted to share this beautiful poem by Luis Perez I discovered in his Ted-Ed talk titled "What losing
Disability Drives Innovation
An excellent TEDx presentation about Universal Design by Michael Nesmith from the IAAP CPACC Prep course.
“When you achieve universal
Probably not. But maybe.
"I can tell you with 100 percent confidence that there is a 50 percent chance of any goddamn thing
No Leaders Please
Recently, I've been reflecting on time, energy, and where we direct it, and spend it. Some of the books I've been reading are interrelated around the idea of time. Mostly, about how fleeting our time on this planet is, and how incredible it is that we exist at all.
It is up to us...
When President Joe Biden announced just a week ago that he would not accept the Democratic nomination for president, he
No Beer Here
One of the best live shows I've ever been to was the DJ Shadow and Cut Chemist "Renegades of Rhythm tour, where they used Afrika Bambaataa's original vinyl. Amazing. I can't believe some of the shows I've been fortunate to see.
What Does Your Heart Say?
How can we breathe, and appreciate each day, and do at least one thing that brings us or someone else some joy? How can we overcome the haters, the internal critic, the impostor syndrome?
Dark Days
It's important to remember that even on dark and rainy days, there is still opportunity to enjoy the water.